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The One Message Your Customers Need to Hear!

When your prospects have discovered your brand and they are considering you and one or two of your competitors, something begins to dawn on them.

They are about to put themselves at risk.

In this video, I'm going to tell you how to create messaging that gives your customers the confidence to choose you over your competitors.

Video Transcript:

When your prospects have discovered your brand and they are considering you and one or two of your competitors, something begins to dawn on them. They are about to put themselves at risk. In this video, I'm going to tell you how to create messaging that gives your customers the confidence to choose you over your competitors. If you need help getting the messaging right for your business, email me on and I'll be happy to help. So when a buyer commits to a purchase, when they commit time or budget, you have to remember they are at risk of losing reputation, losing money, losing time. So how can we, as business owners, make them feel comfortable in taking that risk? Well, we need to incorporate clear steps in our messaging, and we call this part of your messaging 'the plan'. The plan should be on your website, it should be in your sales presentations, in your proposals. It should give your customers three or four clear but simple steps so they understand how they will move from commitment through to a successful outcome. These steps will avoid uncertainty and confusion, and give your customers clarity. Now, human beings are hard-wired to move away from uncertainty, and towards clarity. So make sure you include a plan in your messaging so you can get ahead of your competition and grow your business. Have an awesome day!

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