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Writer's pictureMatt J - Founder & CEO

5 Steps to Create a Winning Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is essentially the path your potential customer takes from the time they land on your website. Some customers will never leave the top of the funnel. I.e. they will leave your website without ever buying or making contact with you.

But, if you take great care over the entire customer experience through your sales funnel, you will convert more website visitors into leads and ultimately customers. So, how do you create a winning sales funnel?

Watch this video and I’ll walk you through the 5 steps to create a simple but effective sales funnel for your business.

Video transcript:

- Hi there! A sales funnel is essentially the path your potential customer takes from the time they land on your website. Some customers will never leave the top of the funnel. That is, they will leave your website without ever buying or making contact with you. But if you take great care over the entire customer experience through your sales funnel, you will convert more website visitors into leads and ultimately, customers. So, how do you create a winning sales funnel? Keep watching and I'll walk you through the five simple steps to create an effective sales funnel for your business. Step 1: Clarify your message. When people don't fully understand what you do or why they need your product or service, they instinctively disengage. A mistake I often see is people jumping into the process of building a website without spending time on, first, getting a clear message that their customers can easily understand. One way to get clarity on your message is to filter it through the StoryBrand 7-part Framework. If you do this, your customers will immediately start to understand what you offer and start buying products. Step number 2: Create a website that works. The fastest way to see an increase in revenue is to ensure your website is working for you. When I land on your homepage, you have about 7 to 8 seconds to tell me what you do, how you will make my life better and how I should engage with you. Ask yourself, does your website do this? For more detail on how to structure your website, keep watching and I'll share an 8-part website checklist so you can get this right. Step number 3: Create a lead generator to capture email addresses. Most people don't buy the first time they visit your website. An important part of your sales funnel should be a lead generator that continues to engage prospects without requiring them to make a purchase. This lead generator will on-ramp your customers to your product or service, and reduce the resistance they may have around committing to a purchase. A lead generator should provide value, solve a problem and establish your company as the authority in your field of expertise. Step number 4: Create an automated email sequence. Once you capture a new lead with your lead-generating PDF, you must then do something with that email address to convert your lead into a customer. It does your brand no good if you aren't actively nurturing those leads and moving them along the customer journey. An automated email campaign is a way for you to tell customers you have something they need and then on-ramp them to your products or services. It allows you to continue your relationship with the prospect at a very low risk to them. This automated email sequence should begin with the download of a lead-generating PDF, and then close with an effective sales letter to convert the lead into a paying customer. If done right, an automated email campaign could make a massive difference in your bottom line this year. The best part, it costs next to nothing. Step 5: Collect and display customer testimonials. A powerful way to get prospective customers to establish trust in your brand is through customer testimonials. Now most businesses display testimonials of their clients talking about how wonderful it is to work with that brand, or how amazing they think the brand is. And whilst that's probably true, it won't convince other prospects that your brand has something they need, and people won't buy from you. Powerful customer testimonials display stories of transformation that your brand allows people to experience. These testimonials actually sell your product or service because they explain how you can solve their problem and help make people's lives better. Building a healthier, more productive and more profitable business begins with clarity. If you'd like access to a full checklist to ensure you're getting each of these steps right, go to where you can download it for free. This checklist will ensure you've clearly defined your company's message and have executed it into all aspects of your sales funnel. If you complete this checklist, your marketing will get results, customer engagement will increase and your business will grow. Good luck!

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